Monday 29 April 2013

Variations on the basic theme

Extending the possibilities...

The Dementia Day Clock for Digital Photo Frames, is designed to help people living with dementia, to enable them to recognise which day it is, along with the current period of the day - Morning, Afternoon, Evening or Night.

A Day Clock may not be suitable for everyone living with dementia. Using a commercially available Digital Photo Frame, along with the images available here, will help you find out if a Day Clock is suitable - free (apart from the cost of the Photo Frame). If the Day Clock does not prove suitable, the Photo Frame can still be used to display photos from the past, helping to prompt discussion about the times the person living with dementia, can still remember.

The files for the Day Clock are currently set up to display just the day and the period of the day. However, the whole system is flexible enough to provide other visual prompts at various times of the day.

A simple change, would be to replace the Night period so that it would say "It is now time to Sleep".

Then, there are other possibilities...

It is now time to Wake Up.
It is now time for Breakfast.
It is now time for Lunch.
It is now time for Dinner.

Each of these would display for an hour at the appropriate time, after which the clock would return to the normal Day and Day Period display.

Further research...

I'm also looking into the possibilities of using Digital Photo Frames capable of playing sound files, so that an audible message is played at a specific time.

If you have any suggestions about improving the Dementia Day Clock for Digital Photo frames, please feel free to leave a comment.


  1. Thank you so much for sharing your files. They will be such an extremely helpful tool for both my father-in-law and mother; both suffering from vascular Parkinson's and dementia. I would like to incorporate the time; like the one you have in the image. How do you edit the files to add this? Or even better, do you have files containing the time as well? Thank you so much for sharing.

    1. Many Digital Photo Frames have a built in clock and calendar, and these can be displayed along with the images, as with the model used in this blog. So all you need to do is get a Digital Photo Frame with that capability. Hope this helps, and thank you too.

  2. I hope to light-up the right cube of a medecine dose box by putting a digital clock underneath. I think some of the Mamrebel clocks in 2019 are sold ready to show reminders for days of the week and they may be able to show a picture like a medecine reminder for a short time. There are also smartphone-clocks and maybe some ways of programming a clock of a photo frame. I hope someone picks-up the idea from here and of course suggestions are welcome.

  3. Beaver says I also have such interest, you can read my profile here: photography
